On March 15, 2019, Hensel Phelps was informed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in the Mobile District that the Southeast District was awarded the $59 Million, 66,000 SF Advanced Munitions Technology Complex (AMTC) at Eglin AFB, FL.
The project consists of eight primary facilities for development of nano energetic/explosive technologies and the development, integration, rapid prototyping, and fielding of advanced munitions. The design incorporates explosives safety, anti-terrorism force protection (AT/FP) physical security, and life safety requirements, as well acoustic and vibration mitigation techniques.
Mitigation of explosive effects, including blast, thermal and fragment hazards, will be provided with hardened reinforced concrete framing and steel fragment shields. Blast doors include single-swing to sliding doors, for intentional detonation or accidental detonation, to meet blast loading, response criteria, minimum fragment shield thickness, and seal requirements.
Project site work will include clearing, cut/fill, grading, security fence, storm water drainage, utilities, and pavements.
The AMTC will be designed and constructed to LEED Silver Certification. The project will begin immediately with preconstruction and is expected to complete in the August 2021.